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Home > Italy > Ferrara > Prisciani - ArtSuite
Address: Via Garibaldi 70 44100
Rooms: 6
General Description: Pellegrino Prisciani The astrloger of Estense Family At the court of Ferrara, famous for the refined culture that was elaborated here, the figure of Pellegrino Prisciani (1435- 1518) enunciates for the multiple interests in whic he was involved and for the political role that he covered. In the books that contributed to make him famous, the most important is the Historiae Ferrariae that will be also one of the most authoritative sources of the nobility and the prestige of the gentleman of Ferrara. Caretaker of arches, librarian of court, diplomatic, humanist, Pellegrino Prisciani covered roles of primary importance inside the Estense family, especially with the Duke Ercole 1st who gave him remarkable assignments like diplomatic and adviser of the new face of Ferrara. The Duke entrusted him in the creation of the new part of the city, the famous erculea addition that Ferrara yields the first modern city of Europe. His talks with the Duke, his strong convinction of the return to the ancient time, supported by the great humanist, architect and writer Leon Batista Alberti, his agreement with the thought of Biagio Rossetti, the creator of the Erculea Addition, made of Prisciani one of the first and more important humanist thinkers that in the past searched the supreme model of the city like expression of a divine thought and in the architecture the realization of the will of the prince like creator and of the city. Some booklet, written by Prisciani and entitled Spectacula not only reassume his ideas on the rebirth of the theatre and the shows that brought back to the court the taste of the classic theatre, like Plauto and Terenzio, but also of the public buildings who had to make more beautiful to the city on the tracks of the books of architecture of Leon Alberti Batiste and Vitruvio. The reputation of Prisciani is entrusted in his participation in the hall of the Months of Palazzo Schifanoia where the great intentional astrological calendar frescos from Ercole to glorify his brother is developed. On the supply of the greatest Aby Warburg initiator of iconologica science (than to Schifanoia it discovered the meant one of the astrological culture in the wonderful images of the hall just here and that for first it thought next to Prisciani like to the ideatore of the cycle), most recent surveyings on paintings of Schifanoia cannot prescind on the role of the umanista in the elaboration of the thought that supports the great ideological machine of Schifanoia, if not just of to have been the direct ispiratore of the images therefore like they they came realized: a role that cannot be conteso to the greatest Cosmè Tura. That astrological science that through the astronomy studies the Prisciani pursued for the life reflects in the lacerti of paintings that they adorn to its ferrarese house and the glare of that culture and of that glorious time in the skillful restoration of that place destined to become refined lodging for who does not forget or wants to know the largeness of the rinascimentale culture of Ferrara.
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